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Crochet the Day Away 

This quarantine due to COVID-19 has greatly influenced my Maker project. After being cooped inside my apartment for a few weeks, I decided to start a new hobby: crocheting! With the help of my beautiful grandmother, I have been learning to crochet one stitch-at-a-time. Making does not always have to include fancy technology. Making can be a fun skill that you acquire in the midst of an unfortunate circumstance (e.g. a pandemic). Follow my journey of learning to crochet like a pro!


Here you see a chain stitch. This was the first stitch I learned to crochet. It took a few hours of practice before I could finally stitch a mediocre chain.





Side is too short

This small piece was made using single crochet stitches. Surprisingly, this stitch was much easier to learn than the chain stitch. The most difficult part about this stitch is making sure to crochet all the way to the end of the piece, otherwise, the sides will be uneven.

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